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Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - mayfly Ephemeroptera (nice eyes).It weig.....

Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - bristletail Archaeognatha.It weighs 1.1 .....

Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - large caddisfly Trichoptera plus several.....

Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusions - 4 flies.It weighs 4.2 grams. Measuremen.....

Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusions - 6 flies and midge.It weighs 4.8 grams. .....

 Large raw Baltic amber stone caught out from the sea, with balanid growth (accreted with shell.....

 Large unique color semi polished Baltic amber stone caught out from the sea, with balanid grow.....

 Unique color polished Baltic amber stone. Excellent display item it could be used as decoratio.....

 Unique color polished Baltic amber stone. Excellent display item it could be used as decoratio.....

 Unique color polished Baltic amber stone. Excellent display item it could be used as decoratio.....

 Unique color polished Baltic amber stone. Excellent display item it could be used as decoratio.....

 Unique color polished Baltic amber stone. Excellent display item it could be used as decoratio.....

 Unique color polished Baltic amber stone. Excellent display item it could be used as decoratio.....

Unique color polished Baltic amber stone. Excellent display item it could be used as decoration for .....

Unique color polished Baltic amber stone. Excellent display item it could be used as decoration for .....