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Genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusion - mayfly. It weighs 1.8 grams. Length of .....

Genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusion - caddisfly. It weighs 1.7 grams. Length .....

Genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusion - assassin spider Archaeidae + springtail......

Genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusion - spider. It weighs 2.8 grams. Length of .....

Genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusion - large snipe fly Rhagionidae.   It.....

Genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusions - swarm of 7 ants. It weighs 2 grams. Le.....

Genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusion - spider.It weighs 1.3 grams. Length of pe.....

Genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusion - spider. It weighs 0.9 grams. Length of .....

Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - mayfly Ephemeroptera (nice eyes).It weig.....

Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - millipede Diploda (not cut).It weighs 1 .....

Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - bristletail Archaeognatha.It weighs 1.1 .....

Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - large caddisfly Trichoptera plus several.....

Excellent large genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusions - swarm of 12 gnats.It we.....

Excellent large genuine Baltic amber silver pendant with fossil inclusion - spider.It weighs 8.4 gra.....

Genuine Baltic amber bee shape silver pendant with fossil inclusion - gnat.It weighs 3.2 grams. Leng.....